If Something was Different
Social norms are unstated or unwritten rules about functioning in society. They are codes of behaviour which reflect or embody a culture's values. Norms either prescribe certain kinds of behaviour or they forbid it. They are also backed by social sanctions which reinforce socially expected forms of behaviour. Social control, therefore, differs from legal control. Social norms are a way through which age-old traditions and strongly rooted beliefs are propagated. On the other hand, they play an important role in enforcing values to maintain order in society. Most of one's social identity and behaviour is shaped by social norms since they dictate how one is expected to function in social settings. Some common social norms include legitimising the caste system, conforming to gender stereotypes or something as basic as accepting everything spoken by elders to be true
The concept of respect is important is any relationship or setting to maintain harmony and be accepting of others. In Indian society, respect is primarily commanded by age and social status. The young are expected to respect the old and those with lower social status are expected to respect those with a higher social status. It is often misunderstood that those who are older or higher in status are inherently right or have well-developed opinions. The opposite is also believed to be true. In any given situation the argument of someone older is assumed to have greater value though the younger person's argument may make more sense. One often comes across people who expect respect from those who work for them though they never care to return it.
Respect should be mutual. In a society where there is acceptance and understanding of different situations and perspectives, respect as a concept will expand. Ideally, the social norm should be to earn respect and not be ascribed to it. The understanding that each individual is entitled to some form of respect or the other is missing currently. Assuming that this was the case in Indian society, one can see the world of a difference that it can make. Every morning the civic workers who sweep the streets and clean the garbage to make someone else's life brighter would be greeted with a smile and thanked for their efforts as opposed to being ignored and considered untouchable. The maid who cares for and maintains someone else's house as carefully as her own would be appreciated for her efforts than being ordered around like a puppet. Making crucial decisions about career and life would not be a one-way stream of parents and other family members manipulating and directing children instead they would give their children an opportunity to express their aspirations and opinions. One would no longer have to blindly conform to baseless traditions that one does not believe in order to show respect for one's elders.
When there is acceptance and due regard for the feelings and rights of others, the number of problems in society would automatically start diminishing. There is a lot to learn for one from the other which can be possible if one is willing to have positive feelings or considerations for the actions of others. If a divided society like India would have a sense of acceptance, the divisions would be less stark. People would be known as individuals as opposed to members of a stereotyped group. The dignity and self-respect that individuals hold would come to be recognised. It would no longer be a common sight to see certain sections of the society being forcefully oppressed and their growth being restricted. Respect for humanity would be the hand behind dissolving institutions such as caste that exist despite being legally abolished.
Statements such as "Respect your elders" or "I deserve to be respected by my social inferiors" are never questioned. The day when respect as a concept exists in the hearts and minds of all social beings irrespective of age, gender and status would be the day when people would willingly work for the good of others, there would be no cause to feel resentment or feel selfish. In the present day, one is forced to perform certain tasks and duties without being acknowledged and respected which gives a half-hearted or superficial result. However in the opposite world, the worker would willingly work overtime for the benefit of his employer, those performing tasks such as mending shoes or fixing drains would do it without feeling inferior instead feeling important. The young would have a greater sense of freedom and feel a sense of responsibility towards the old without having to be dictated.
The identity one has in connection to others would change for the better.
The concept of respect is important is any relationship or setting to maintain harmony and be accepting of others. In Indian society, respect is primarily commanded by age and social status. The young are expected to respect the old and those with lower social status are expected to respect those with a higher social status. It is often misunderstood that those who are older or higher in status are inherently right or have well-developed opinions. The opposite is also believed to be true. In any given situation the argument of someone older is assumed to have greater value though the younger person's argument may make more sense. One often comes across people who expect respect from those who work for them though they never care to return it.
Respect should be mutual. In a society where there is acceptance and understanding of different situations and perspectives, respect as a concept will expand. Ideally, the social norm should be to earn respect and not be ascribed to it. The understanding that each individual is entitled to some form of respect or the other is missing currently. Assuming that this was the case in Indian society, one can see the world of a difference that it can make. Every morning the civic workers who sweep the streets and clean the garbage to make someone else's life brighter would be greeted with a smile and thanked for their efforts as opposed to being ignored and considered untouchable. The maid who cares for and maintains someone else's house as carefully as her own would be appreciated for her efforts than being ordered around like a puppet. Making crucial decisions about career and life would not be a one-way stream of parents and other family members manipulating and directing children instead they would give their children an opportunity to express their aspirations and opinions. One would no longer have to blindly conform to baseless traditions that one does not believe in order to show respect for one's elders.
When there is acceptance and due regard for the feelings and rights of others, the number of problems in society would automatically start diminishing. There is a lot to learn for one from the other which can be possible if one is willing to have positive feelings or considerations for the actions of others. If a divided society like India would have a sense of acceptance, the divisions would be less stark. People would be known as individuals as opposed to members of a stereotyped group. The dignity and self-respect that individuals hold would come to be recognised. It would no longer be a common sight to see certain sections of the society being forcefully oppressed and their growth being restricted. Respect for humanity would be the hand behind dissolving institutions such as caste that exist despite being legally abolished.
Statements such as "Respect your elders" or "I deserve to be respected by my social inferiors" are never questioned. The day when respect as a concept exists in the hearts and minds of all social beings irrespective of age, gender and status would be the day when people would willingly work for the good of others, there would be no cause to feel resentment or feel selfish. In the present day, one is forced to perform certain tasks and duties without being acknowledged and respected which gives a half-hearted or superficial result. However in the opposite world, the worker would willingly work overtime for the benefit of his employer, those performing tasks such as mending shoes or fixing drains would do it without feeling inferior instead feeling important. The young would have a greater sense of freedom and feel a sense of responsibility towards the old without having to be dictated.
The identity one has in connection to others would change for the better.
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